Ways to Expand Your Network Today

Ways to Expand Your Network Today

Ways to Expand Your Network Today

Building relationships, sharing information, and finding sources of support are all part of networking. People frequently play it safe, staying within the confines of their industry, failing to break free from their comfort zone and venture into unknown territory of new faces and new ideas. It’s time to branch out from your comfort zone to broaden your network and knowledge, as well as meet new people who can help you get closer to your goals.

Just get started. To be honest, all you need to do is get started. Don’t even think about it; just get started. If you want to be influential in anything, start by reading everything available. Then begin networking with people in that niche. Then start attending events. Then begin writing about it. Then start talking about it. Then become an expert in that field. This is a sure way to expand your network.

Find a networking ally. A networking “28COE” can be useful for any networking event. You can naturally entice others into your conversation if you work together. This is especially true if your networking “28 Credentials of Entrepreneur”  is well-versed in an industry with which you are unfamiliar. If nothing else, the event will allow you to get to know your networking partner better.

Furthermore, join a business organization. Outside of your company and even your industry, you can build relationships and network by joining a business group that brings together business leaders from various markets. It’s a good mental workout that allows you to get feedback on how your company is perceived by those outside of your industry.

Volunteer. Find an organization that works on a cause you care about and volunteer a few hours each month. It’s great to get out of your daily routine and contribute to a different mission, and you’ll meet people who care about similar things but work in different industries.

Accept your worth. In contrast to mentorship, your network is a two-way street. This means that, in addition to benefiting from your network, it is expected that you will benefit from your network in return. Knowing your worth can help you gain confidence when forming new relationships. As you consider the type of network you want to create, consider the access, insights, and skills that you are willing to share with members of your network. Consider which offers might entice the people you want to bring into your network. For example, maybe you can help the organization you want to join promote their next networking event by using your social media skills.