Every woman defines success differently. However, most successful women share certain characteristics.
They are extremely enthusiastic about what they do. Without passion, no amount of skill will elevate you above the level of craft. If you don’t enjoy what you do, you’re unlikely to be motivated to go above and beyond, innovate, or stand out in the workplace. However, if you are passionate about your job, putting in the time and effort will be enjoyable rather than a chore.
They turn being underestimated into a strength. Every successful woman has numerous stories about being underestimated. When women turn that into a strength, they are unstoppable. You must be confident in your abilities and the reason you are in the room in the first place. You’re not there for show; you’re there to get the job done. So stand firm in your purpose and see it through.
They inspire one another. There is enough space in the world for everyone to thrive and succeed. It is not necessary to pit women against each other in a rat race to the top. Instead, successful women encourage and motivate one another to do their best. Jealousy and negativity only serve to divert your attention away from living your life to the fullest and being happy.
They don’t expect perfection from themselves or those around them. Wasting time and energy trying to be “perfect” only leads to unhappiness. Successful women understand that they cannot do everything well all of the time. Beating yourself up for perceived flaws will only impede your performance at work, not to mention your mental health. “If we’re lucky, we’ll each have our chance to leave our mark on the world, but we’re trying too hard to be perfect, so don’t be like Wonder Woman.” Instead, consider what makes you happy. Then, boldly, audaciously, and joyfully, leave the rest behind.
They act even when the outcomes are unknown. Instead of waiting until they are completely confident in their decision or the intended outcome, successful women take action first. They can only learn what works by trying and failing, and no one has it all figured out in life or business. Successful women understand that taking action despite fear and uncertainty is the only way to get ahead.
They express their appreciation to those around them. No woman achieves success in a vacuum. Wildly successful women recognize those who support them on a daily basis, both at home and at work. And their graciousness not only makes them better people, but it also fosters employee loyalty.
They coach other women. Mentoring other women keeps you grounded and in touch with reality. Things may change for you as you move up the ladder in terms of how the world perceives you, but someone 10-13 years behind you may have a very different perspective and different challenges, sometimes very different from what you faced when you were at that stage.
They are experts at reading body language. Women are born to nurture and care for others, and as a result, we have incredible abilities to read implied meaning and body language. And it has to be that way; imagine how long infants would have to wait if we couldn’t understand their needs and subtle behavioral changes. As a result, by better understanding and managing their teams, these superpowers have assisted many successful businesswomen in reaching new heights.
Lastly, they freely exchange ideas. It appears that the tide is changing. We used to be terrified that someone would steal our ideas and do it better. More people are asking to learn from one another, and I believe women are leading this open communication. We aren’t afraid to share our success and how we got there so that we can support and learn from one another.