Tag GO Daughters

Ways for Women to Help Each Other at Work

Ways for Women to Help Each Other at Work

We’ve all heard the myth that women don’t support one another, but this isn’t the case. Women can be powerful allies for other women at work, and these are some simple things we can do every day to celebrate and…

Where There is a Will There is a Way

One of the most well-known proverbs is “Where there is a will, there is a way.” When we think about it, this proverb has a lot of meaning. Its basic meaning is that if you set your mind to something,…

Women’s Roles in the Contemporary World

Women have been one of the most important elements of society, but they have never been able to establish a dominant position in the world due to men’s dominance everywhere. This gender of society has always been the lower one,…

Women’s Health- Importance

Health is outlined because the absence of malady. it’s acceptable to believe that one is healthy as a result of one isn’t unwell. though one cannot honestly claim to be healthy just because there are not any visible symptoms of…

Why it is important to Educate a girl?

Why it is important to Educate a girl?

There was a time when people believed that educating girls was unnecessary. We’ve finally realized that girls’ education is critical. Girls are becoming more aware in the modern era. They attempt to compete with men in all aspects of life.…

Women Empowerment: Changeable Winds

Women Empowerment: Changeable Winds

Women’s empowerment can be defined as promoting women’s sense of self-worth, their ability to make their own decisions, and their right to influence social change for themselves and others. Women’s empowerment has become a buzzword today, with women working alongside…

Ways To Empower Women And Girls

Ways To Empower Women And Girls

“A woman is like a teabag; you don’t know how strong it is until you put it in hot water.” Empowerment can be portrayed according to different viewpoints, in any case, while talking about women’s Empowerment, it suggests tolerating and…